- 1,莎士比亚的英文名
- 2,William Shakespeare怎么读
- 3,为什么我也不会拼英文“莎士比亚”
- 4,莎士比亚英文名怎么读?
- 5,william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语
- 6,William Shakespeare 英文简介
- 7,莎士比亚怎么读
- 8,莎士比亚用英语怎么读打出音标就可以了
William Shakes beare【莎士比亚,W. 】(William Shakes beare 1564~1616) 英国著名戏剧家和诗人。出生于沃里克郡斯特拉特福镇的一个富裕市民家庭,曾在当地文法学校学习。13岁时家道中落辍学经商,约1586年前往伦敦。先在剧院门前为贵族顾客看马,后逐渐成为剧院的杂役、演员、剧作家和股东。1597年在家乡购置了房产,一生的最后几年在家乡度过。
2,William Shakespeare怎么读
William['wiljəm] Shakespeare[seikspir]
我们常常说,Shakespeare is such a notorious speller that he can't decide how to spell his own name. (莎士比亚不会拼自己的名字)。
William Shakespeare [ˈwɪljəm ˈʃeɪkspɪər] 中文读音:威灵谁格斯白额 威廉·莎士比亚(英语:William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日—1616年4月23日),华人社会常尊称为莎翁。 英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家之一,当时人文主义文学的集大成者,以及全世界最卓越的文学家之一。 扩展资料:莎士比亚在埃文河畔斯特拉特福出生长大,18岁时与安妮·海瑟薇结婚,两人共生育了三个孩子:苏珊娜、双胞胎哈姆尼特和朱迪思。 16世纪末到17世纪初的20多年期间莎士比亚在伦敦开始了成功的职业生涯,他不仅是演员、剧作家,还是宫内大臣剧团的合伙人之一,后来改名为国王剧团。1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到埃文河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。 1590年到1600年是莎士比亚的创作的黄金时代。他的早期剧本主要是喜剧和历史剧,在16世纪末期达到了深度和艺术性的高峰。接下来1601到1608年他主要创作悲剧,莎士比亚崇尚高尚情操,常常描写牺牲与复仇。 包括《奥赛罗》、《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》,被认为属于英语最佳范例。在他人生最后阶段,他开始创作悲喜剧,又称为传奇剧。 参考资料来源:百度百科——威廉-莎士比亚
5,william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语
莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。
莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。
The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England's Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London's 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die.
27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel.
In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears.
In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one's strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success.
In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya's four big tragedies.
In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him.
Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world's "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant's image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study.
His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone:
"Looks on God's surface,
Please do not have to move my grave,
The rash action will encounter the curse,
The protector will receive the blessing."
6,William Shakespeare 英文简介
William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds. All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumably attended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge. The next record we have of him is his marriage to Anne Hathaway in 1582. The next year she bore a daughter for him, Susanna, followed by the twins Judith and Hamnet two years later.
Seven years later Shakespeare is recognized as an actor, poet and playwright, when a rival playwright, Robert Greene, refers to him as "an upstart crow" in A Groatsworth of Wit. A few years later he joined up with one of the most successful acting troupe's in London: The Lord Chamberlain's Men. When, in 1599, the troupe lost the lease of the theatre where they performed, (appropriately called The Theatre) they were wealthy enough to build their own theatre across the Thames, south of London, which they called "The Globe." The new theatre opened in July of 1599, built from the timbers of The Theatre, with the motto "Totus mundus agit histrionem" (A whole world of players) When James I came to the throne (1603) the troupe was designated by the new king as the King's Men (or King's Company). The Letters Patent of the company specifically charged Shakespeare and eight others "freely to use and exercise the art and faculty of playing Comedies, Tragedies, Histories, Inerludes, Morals, Pastorals, stage plays ... as well for recreation of our loving subjects as for our solace and pleasure."
[shā shì bǐ yà]
[释义] 威廉·莎士比亚(1564-1616)是英国文艺复兴时期伟大的戏剧家和诗人。莎士比亚于1564年4月23日出生在英国中部斯特拉福德城一个富裕的市民家庭,幼年在家乡的文法学校念过书,学习拉丁文、文学和修辞学。后来家道中落,曾帮助父亲经商,1578年左右只身到伦敦谋生,据说从事过马夫或仆役一类当时被看作“最下等的职业”。后来当了演员和编剧,随着剧团到各地巡回演出,与社会各阶层的生活有比较广泛的接触。他在剧团里扮演过像《哈姆莱特》中的鬼魂之类的配角,也担任过导演,但主要是编写剧本,开始时不过是给旧剧本加工,逐渐由加工而改写,或自己创作.他后来成了剧团的股东,1613年左右从伦敦回到家乡,1616年四月二十三日逝世。
Shakespeare 英[ˈʃeɪkspɪə] 美[ˈʃekspɪr]
n. 莎士比亚(1564-1616,英国诗人、剧作家);
[例句]In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose.