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charity vance,学习外语有什么好处!



学习外语好处很多,可以和外国人自由交流,获得工作的机会,也是出国留学必不可少的条件。 我从小学三年级就开始学习英语,虽然一直还算比较认真,但是因为疏于持续性练习,缺乏语感和语言环境,所以一直坚持到大学考了四六级证书之后,就没有再继续深入学习了,感觉非常的遗憾,但是我始终认为学习外语的作用非常巨大。 有成就感 能够熟练的掌握一门外语,尤其是能够和外国人熟练的交流,是非常让自己有满足和成就感的。 读高中的时候,我们县城有对外国夫妻来旅游,他们两个的中文也很差(估计和我当时的英语水平差不多),因为不熟悉路线就在路边询问,结果一堆人都不能帮忙。我和几个同学从那里经过,因为穿着校服,结果路边热心的大爷就给老外指着我们,说那些学生懂英语,你可以问他们。幸好当时我们的英语教材已经学习了基本的问路和回答,所以配合着蹩脚的英语和简单的手势,好歹给外国友人指好了路。末了,那个男的还竖起大拇指说:very good!也不知道是在夸奖我们的英语,还是感谢我们帮他俩解决了问题,反正我们当时是挺有成就感的,感觉总算是对得起自己学生的身份了。 就业的机会 现在很多公司,特别是涉外的以及外国的分公司,在招聘的时候都很重视英语口语,当然你能熟练的掌握其他外语也可以,所以掌握外语意味着你能够获得更多的就业机会,获得更好的平台和薪资待遇。 我老婆去亚马逊应聘报关员的时候,对英语的要求就很高,要求熟练掌握口语和能用英语发邮件,我老婆的英语水平也就一般,本来过不了的,幸好有个领导是前公司跳槽的,在她帮助下才顺利的过关。要是真的要考英语,我老婆这份工作就没戏了,可见掌握一门外语有多重要。 出国留学 我们都知道,要去欧美出国留学需要考雅思和托福,对英语要求很高,所以如果大家想去深造,那么学好外语是必备的。虽然我学习的专业就注定了不用出国(汉语言文学专业),但还是希望自己的孩子以后有机会出去闯一闯,所以我现在要求他必须要把外语学好。 无论在任何时候,能够熟练的掌握外语,对我们的好处都是非常多的,希望大家要重视外语的学习,如果自己没有机会了,也要让孩子努力学好。


2,two bird–charity vance 中文歌词翻译

当我双手的掌心 When the palm of my two hands 紧紧相依时 Hold each other 那感觉非比寻常 That feels different 不同于你我双手合十的温存 From when your hands are in mine 真实而且难以名状 That’s just the way it is 当我的尖叫脱口而出时 And when my voice is screaming out 对于我的耳畔来说 To my own ears 那感觉非比寻常 That feels different 不同于我触及到你的声音 From when I hear yours 真实而且难以名状 Now thats just the way it is 当我只身站在镜子前 And when I’m standing in this mirror 在经历过这许多年后 After all these years 我所看见的已与以往略有差异 What I’m viewing is a little different 你眼中的流波已不胜当年 From what your eyes show you 我想我在你的面前,我已失去自我 I guess I didn’t see myself before you 缓步前行 Moving forward 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 一种微妙的力量 A subtle power 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 一份隽永的爱意 A tough love 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 有时如鲨鱼般凶猛 Like a shark 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 有时像棕熊般雄壮 Like a bear 一份隽永的爱意 A tough love 我想世间的一切都在缓缓地演变着 And I thought the world would move on 我想世间的一切均为停止前进的脚步 I thought the world would move on 除了我们 Without us 除了我们 除了我们 Without us Without us 但我心知没有什么可以滞缓我们的脚步 But nothing I know could slow us down 也没有什么可以成为我们的累赘 Couldn’t tow us down 我想我可也许可以离开你而生存 I thought I could live without you 因我知没有什么能击垮我们 Cause nothing I know can break us down 没有什么能打到我们 They can’t break us down 只要有你在身边,我便不会害怕 And just like you I can’t be scared 正如你一样,我渴望得到宽恕 Just like you I hope I’m spared 但是这份爱坚贞不渝 But it’s tough love 我知道你能觉察到这力量无处不在 I know you feel it in the air 一切都是那么鲜明,它就在那 Even the babies know it’s there 隽永的爱意 Tough love 这超乎寻常的能量 Super power 世间的规律冥冥中暗示着我们 The laws of the world tell us 升上天堂的 What goes sky 和坠入凡间的 And what falls 是一种超乎寻常的能量 It’s a super power 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 世间的规律从未禁锢着我们 The laws of the world never stopped us once 因为我们的结合交融了大量的这些超乎寻常的能量 Cause together we got plenty super power 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 一种微妙的力量 A subtle power 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 一份隽永的爱意 A tough love 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 有时如一只礁鲨 Like a shark 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 有时却更好似一头棕熊 Too much to a bear 超乎寻常的能量 Super power 我想世间的一切都在缓缓地演变着 And I thought the world would move on 我想世间的一切均为停止前进的脚步 I thought the world would move on 除了我们 Without us 除了我们 除了我们

3,求这首英文歌的歌词 Charity Vance - Walk in the Park

Walk In the Park-Charity Vance
Dreaming my dream-cranberries
Dying in the sun-Cranberries
Goodbye Alice in Wonderland-Jewel
yesterday yes a day-marlin
Everytime-Britney Spears
Only Time-Enya
Not Going Anywhere-Keren Ann
We Are One-Kelly Sweet
Gotta Have You-The Weepies
Pedalo-The Heart Strings 应该是


Well I was walkin for some time
When I came across this sign
Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"
We don't like when visitors come.
"No Trespassing" that's what it said
At least that's what I could read.
No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!
Wait till ya get a load of me!
One day I was trippin and that's when I could see
That the ether I had tapped into could be reality
It was great, that's when I climbed that optimistic vine

Once I hit that mountain peak I began to lose my mind
I don't need no sympathy. I won't cry and whine.
Life's my light and liberty
And I'll shine when I wanna shine.
Make their faces crack
There's no turnin back.
Let's GO!
Well I was walkin for some time
When I came across this sign
Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"
We don't like when visitors come.
"No Trespassing" that's what it said
At least that's what I could read.
No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!
Wait till ya get a load of me!
I ain't got BS in my bag
That's the one thing you can believe
My heart is gold, my body is lax
Come on baby, can't you see?
I don't need no GPS
To show me where to go
But I can turn into the North Pole
And I'll show you what is cold
I don't need no sympathy. I won't cry and whine.
Life's my light and liberty
And I'll shine when I wanna shine.
Make their faces crack
There's no turnin back.
Let's GO!
Well I was walkin for some time
When I came across this sign
Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"
We don't like when visitors come.
"No Trespassing" that's what it said
At least that's what I could read.
No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!
Wait till ya get a load of me!
I ain't stayin' at home!
I got places to roam!
I ain't stayin' at home!
I don't need no sympathy. I won't cry and whine.
Life's my light and liberty
And I'll shine when I wanna shine.
Well I was walkin for some time
When I came across this sign
Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"
We don't like when visitors come.
"No Trespassing" that's what it said
At least that's what I could read.
No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!
Wait till ya get a load of me!

5,求一首英文歌曲,是一个女生唱的,很劲爆的,只记得里面有一句歌词give me your heart,最后是lalalala

歌曲:take my heart back 歌手:jennifer lo 专辑:《romantic collection》
[ti:take my heart back]
[ar:jennifer love hewitt]
take my heart back
jennifer love hewitt
it'll be alright you said tomorrow
dont you cry
dont you shed a tear
when you wake up i will still be here
when you wake up well battle all your fears
and now i'll take my heart back
leave your pictures on the floor
steal back my memories
i cant take it anymore
i've cried my eyes out
oh and now i face the years
the way you loved me vanished all the tears
just a lil more time was all we needed
just a lil time for me to see
ooh the light that live can give you
ooh how it can set you free
so now i'll take my heart back
leave your pictures on the floor
steal back my memories
i cant take it anymore
i've cried my eyes out
oh and now i face the years
the way you loved me vanished all the tears
lalalala lalalala lalala lalala lala
ooh ooh....
if only(如果能再爱一次)中插曲take my heart back
jennifer love hewitt


OST - Part.1 01.Gummy蜘蛛-白天和黑夜/- 02.Gummy蜘蛛-白天和黑夜 (inst.) OST - Part.2 01.洪大光- (你和我) 02.洪大光- (你和我) (Inst.) OST - Part.3 01. - 让他疯了/让人疯狂(Sistar-孝琳) 02. (Inst.) 03.Joogoon's Sun 04.Goodmorning Miss Sun 05.Who Are U (Ending Rock Guitar Ver.) (Feat. Guitar ) 06.Out Of The Ghost 07.Ghost Eyes 08.This Is Me 09.Enjoy Party OST - Part.4 01.T尹美莱-Touch Love/t-Touch Love 02.Touch Love (inst.) 03. In Memories 04.Tears In Rain 05.Candy Love (Touch Love Guitar ver.) 06.Love Connection 07.Ghost Tango 08.Empty Garden 09.Keep Out 10.Dangerous zone (Opening Title) OST - Part.5 01.郑东河-Mystery/ -Mystery 02.Mystery(inst.) 03. Painful Memory 04. Ghost Presents 05. Love Is Like A Picture 06. Feather Kiss 07. White Flower 08. Ghost World 09. Foolish Spy OST - Part.6 01.Melody Day-All About/-All About 02.All About (inst.) 03.Dirty Hands 04.Sad Wave 05.Water In The Sky 06.Like A Mosquito 07.Making Shadow 08.High Jump 09.Lake Wave OST - Part.7 01.徐仁国-无所畏惧/- 02.无所畏惧(Inst.)[2] OST - Part.8 01.YOUMe- Last One (Feat. 柱硕)/-Last one (feat. ) 02. Last one (inst.)