英语儿歌歌词,求迪士尼 ten little fingers 歌词,
- 1,求迪士尼 ten little fingers 歌词,
- 2,onelittletwolittle儿歌 叫什么名?
- 3,three little finger 英文歌曲
- 4,谁知道有一首歌曲是关于苹果的,是英文的,儿童唱的,我忘记名字和歌词了
1,求迪士尼 ten little fingers 歌词,
Ten Little Fingers
I have ten fingers and they all belong to me (hold hands up)
I can make them do things Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight (form fist)
Or open them wide (hold fingers out)
I can put them together or make them all hide (Close both fists)
I can make them jump high (put hands over head)
I can make them go low (put hands down)
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so (put hands in lap)
2,onelittletwolittle儿歌 叫什么名?
是不是 一根小指头呢
One little finger 歌词:
One little finger,one litter finger.(依次伸出左右两个食指)
One little finger,tap tap tap.(同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)
Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.(指天花板,指地板)
Put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)
3,three little finger 英文歌曲
Ten little Indian
One little,
two little,
three little Indians;
Four little,
five little,
six little Indians;
Seven little,
eight little,
nine little Indians;
Ten little Indian boys;
Ten little,
nine little,
eight little Indians;
Seven little,
six little,
five little Indians;
Four little,
three little,
two little Indians;
one little Indian boy;
One little,
two little,
three little fingers;
Four little,
five little,
six little fingers;
Seven little,
eight little,
nine little fingers;
Ten fingers on your hands;
Ten little,
nine little,
eight little fingers;
Seven little,
six little,
five little fingers;
Four little,
three little,
two little fingers;
one finger on your hand;
Apple Red, Apple Red
Apple red, apple red 苹果红,苹果红
Apple juice, apple sweet 苹果汁,苹果糖
Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你
Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果糖我喜欢吃
Apple red, apple red 苹果红,苹果红
Apple juice, apple sweet 苹果汁,苹果糖
Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你
Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果糖我喜欢吃