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其他机炮和大口径机枪:AP+HE或AP+F(如果有的话)> AP+I


对T/ O/G元素:尽可能少,除非无法保证命中率。









-6. 机枪都通过相应配弹用于修正弹道。


-1. 用作输出时:





-2. 可用于修正弹道。


-1. 如果作战目标是致外伤,那么该弹种非常合适,伤害极大且不必保证击穿,如果目标易燃还可能点着对方。

-2. 如果作战目标是致内伤:




-3. 最适合该弹种的机炮口径,最好超过20mm但不高于30mm,口径在该区间外的机炮,其效果可能不如预期(但很可能依然是最适合该口径机炮的弹种),汉斯线的HEI(武装面板详细信息中名为Minengeschoβ的弹药)不受该限制。

1. 本作中灰机的毁伤,依性质可分为:



2. 前述毁伤都有相应的“伤害触发区”:




3. 本作中多数伤害触发区都在装甲的保护之下,但并非所有装甲覆盖之处都有伤害触发区。

1. 各机的伤害触发区位置、面积、防护能力等。

2. 如何简易判断当前武装能否击穿当前敌机。

3. 每次“击穿”效果是否惠及弹链中的下一颗弹药。

4. 填药比例如何,是否与相应效果成正比。






In all countries, special armor-piercing shells were designed to counter the deelopment of local armor protecting on aircraft and the need to strike ground target with aircraft cannons. Depending on their action and structure, armor-piercing shells fall into the following categories:


AP for armor-piercing shells; AP表示穿甲弹

AP-T for armor-piercing tracer shells; AP-T表示穿甲曳光弹

API for armor-piercing incendiary shells; API表示穿甲燃烧弹

API-T for armor-piercing incendiary tracer shells. API-T表示穿甲燃烧曳光弹

As far as their structure goes, these shells could be of a solid or caity (a small explosie charge with a base detonating fuse) type, and the explosie charge could consist of an incendiary stick and an explosie stick. The fuse was actiated after it pierced armor of a certain thickness, and the explosie or incendiary effect itself was low, since the explosie charge was considerably smaller than that in fragmentation shells. Bullet of this type work well when fired at complex components, and they are good for striking components with local armor protection, such as armored backrests and armored glass. But they may fly through thinner components, such as the skin, without being actiated, and in this case the enemy aircraft will not be seriously damaged.


Shells that had increased penetration thanks to a core made of tungsten carbide were used as armor-piercing shells by special-purpose anti-tank BK 37 aircraft cannons.


Bullets with an incendiary effect wereinitially used in aiation for striking balloons, but practiceshowed that they are also quite effectie at striking aircraft of wooden orcomposite construction.


“I” is an incendiary bullet. It carries apayload of highly flammable agents, usually white phosphorus. When it hits thetarget, the incendiary agent ignites it. This bullet has no armor-piercingability.


AI is an adjustment incendiary bullet,basically a miniature shell with a primitie impact or time fuse. It is used toaid in directing fire and strike highly flammable targets. When it hitsanything, it produces a bright and highly isible flash, able to ignite fuel intanks that are not protected by armor.

AI 是一种名为“试射燃烧弹”的弹药,概括地说是一种撞击或延时起爆的薄壳弹药。其主要用途是引发燃烧和打击高易燃目标。当其击中任何物体后,会产生一个明亮而显眼的闪光,可以将不受装甲保护的油箱中的燃料点燃。


High-Explosie Fragmentation Shells


High-explosie fragmentation shells are the primary armament of aircraft cannons These shells hae a steel case filled with an explosie charge and are usually equipped with a point-detonating.direct-action fuse Some shells are filled with a mix of an explosie and an incendiary agent. Depending on the country that produces the bullets and the filling ratio. which is the ratio between the weight of the explosie charge and the total weight of the shell,these shells can fall into the following categories

高爆破片弹为战机航炮的主要弹药,多为钢质外壳内填装高爆炸药,通常配有一个雷管来引爆。一些炮弹混装高爆物质及致燃物质 。根据炮弹的出产国和填药比(即装药的重量和全弹总重之间的比率),可以分为以下类别:

FT for fragmentation tracer shells .

Fl-T for fragmentation incendiary tracer shells .

HEF for high-explosie fragmentation shells .

HET for high-explosie tracer shells .

HEI for high-explosie incendiary shells

FT 破片曳光弹

FI-T 破片燃烧曳光弹

HEF 高爆破片弹

HET 高爆曳光弹

HEI 高爆燃烧弹

These shells cause damage with their shock wae,temperature and fragments .Due to their small filling ratio, shells under 30 mm in calibre had a stronger fragmentation effect .Howeer, special high-efficiency, thin-walled MinengeschoB shells,wilh a much better filling ratio, were deeloped in Geimany. The case of this shell was not turned but solid-drawn, hardened with HF currents. This enabled a considerably larger explosie charge to be placed into the shell. This ammunition worked much better when its target was the aircraft's airframe itself, especially if it was composite, like that of Soiet fighters or the il-2 ground-attack aircraft. Wooden and fabric components would ignite and be destroyed.After the war. the deelopment of small-calibre shells continued in this direction, and similar shells were put into serice in other countries.

上述弹药能通过爆炸产生的冲击波、高温与碎片来造成伤害。由於较少的爆炸物填装比例,低于30mm口径的弹药具较高的破片效果。值得一提的是,德国研发出的:Minengescho β 弹药[译注:似乎为HEI,武装面板弹种详细信息中可查],具有更好的填充率。这种弹药并不是倒空的, 而是整体拉制而成, 并且由高频电流加固。这使得炮弹能容纳的装药,对飞机的机身结构的破坏特别有效,尤其是复合结构的机身(入苏联的战斗机或是IL-2)。其木制结构与布会被点燃,然后灰飞烟灭。战后,这种小口径子弹的配方继续朝这个方向发展与生产,并且被其他国家采用并产生类似的弹药投入使用。

High-explosie fragmentation shells are well suited for destroying the structural components of enemy aircraft,causing a lot of damage, but internal components are not much affected,due to the shells' limited armor-piercing effect: for example, if fired at the engine, the shell would probably be actiated as soon as it hit the skin of the engine cowling, thus not affecting the engine itself .Damage to durable struclural components, such as spars, ribs or cylinders of air-cooled engines, can be caused by

fragments weighing at least 20 g if the shell explodes in immediate proximity to the component. bul a 20 mm shell (weighing 100-150 g) can produce only a small number of such fragments







曳光弹(译注:结合本段可知事实上不止“曳光”一种,但由于本作中的T主要为曳光弹,便暂且如此翻译)被指定为“T”。一种特殊的缓慢燃烧的混合物质(称为示踪剂 )被压入其弹头底部,这些子弹在空气中留下了明显的有色踪迹。此外,也存在用于夜间射击的特殊示踪剂。为了防止射手分辨不清,也存在以烟雾示踪的先例,如德国的PMK子弹。其发射后将留下可见的烟雾轨迹,这是由一种被置于子弹底部特殊的树脂产生的。


Large-Calibre shells(12.7-15mm)

Large-calibre shells had the same types that rifle-calibre bullets did, but when the tracer burned away, it did not influence the accuracy of tracer shells so much due to their larger weight. So, the difference between the penetration of AP-T/API-T and AP shells was not so great when compared with the equialent rifle-calibre bullets. Special-purpose bullets were mainly used, such as AP, API, API-T. In the USSR, adjustment incendiary bullets were designated“МДЗ”(“MDZ”meaning “direct-action incendiary”) or “МД”(“MD”meaning “direct-action”)

大口径弹药与小口径弹药具有相似的作用机制,但当曳光弹(如果有的话)示踪剂烧完之后,它的精度并不会像小口径弹药那样受到严重影响。同理,拜其较大的重量所赐,该口径级别的穿甲曳光弹、穿甲燃烧曳光弹,和标准穿甲弹 之间的穿甲能力差异并不明显。较之于小口径弹药,大口径机枪主要使用特殊弹药,如标准穿甲弹、穿甲曳光弹、穿甲燃烧曳光弹。在前苏联,试射燃烧弹被命名为“МДЗ”[Schokolade注:“МДЗ”为“мгновенного действия, зажигательный”的缩写意为瞬间燃烧](“MDZ”意为瞬间燃烧弹)或“МД”

[Schokolade注:“мгновенного действия”](“MD”意为瞬间)

