- 1,僵尸新娘中男主角独自弹的钢琴曲叫什么名字?就是在维多利亚家里弹得,不是四手连弹。
- 2,僵尸新娘里男主角弹的那首钢琴曲叫什么名字
- 3,僵尸新娘中的钢琴曲叫什么啊???
- 4,《僵尸新娘》中的钢琴曲叫什么
- 5,《僵尸新娘》里维克托弹的那首钢琴曲叫什么名字呀?
- 6,僵尸新娘里维克多弹的钢琴曲完整版叫什么
- 7,有哪位知道动画片<<僵尸新娘>>里面的钢琴曲叫什么名字?
- 8,僵尸新娘里的双手对弹钢琴曲子
- 9,谁有《僵尸新娘》中的所有钢琴曲啊?
- 10,谁知道《僵尸新娘》里维特弹的钢琴曲是什么名字?
1. Main Title 2. According to Plan 3. Victor's Piano Solo 4. In the Forest 5. Remains of the Day 6. Casting a Spell 7. Moon Dance 8. Victor's Deception 9. Tears to Shed 10. Victoria's Escape 11. The Piano Duet 12. New Arrival 13. Victoria's Wedding 14. The Wedding Song 15. The Party Arrives 16. Victor's Wedding 17. Barkis's Bummer 18. The Finale 19. End Credits Part 1 20. End Credits Part 2电影原声带,不知有没有你要的
The Piano Duetvictor's piano solo
这是全部的钢琴曲名1. Main Title
2. According to Plan
3. Victor's Piano Solo
4. In the Forest
5. Remains of the Day
6. Casting a Spell
7. Moon Dance
8. Victor's Deception
9. Tears to Shed
10. Victoria's Escape
11. The Piano Duet
12. New Arrival
13. Victoria's Wedding
14. The Wedding Song
15. The Party Arrives
16. Victor's Wedding
17. Barkis's Bummer
18. The Finale
19. End Credits Part 1
20. End Credits Part 2
他们两个人合奏的是《The Piano Duet》~~
1. Main Title
2. According to Plan
3. Victor's Piano Solo
4. In the Forest
5. Remains of the Day
6. Casting a Spell
7. Moon Dance
8. Victor's Deception
9. Tears to Shed
10. Victoria's Escape
11. The Piano Duet
12. New Arrival
13. Victoria's Wedding
14. The Wedding Song
15. The Party Arrives
16. Victor's Wedding
17. Barkis's Bummer
18. The Finale
19. End Credits Part 1
20. End Credits Part 2
21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
22. Remains of the Day
23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2
24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
对了~~第三首一定要听听~~先弹的那个~~VERY GOOD~~
1. Main Title
2. According to Plan
3. Victor's Piano Solo
4. In the Forest
5. Remains of the Day
6. Casting a Spell
7. Moon Dance
8. Victor's Deception
9. Tears to Shed
10. Victoria's Escape
11. The Piano Duet
12. New Arrival
13. Victoria's Wedding
14. The Wedding Song
15. The Party Arrives
16. Victor's Wedding
17. Barkis's Bummer
18. The Finale
19. End Credits Part 1
20. End Credits Part 2
21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
info: band version
22. Remains of the Day
info: combo lounge version
23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2
24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
The Piano Duet Victor’s Piano Solo
让Victor配合带有肖邦「幻想即兴曲」(Fantaisie-Impromptu, Op.66)
Corpse Bride官网http://corpsebridemovie.warnerbros.com/
The Piano Duet钢琴曲乐谱http://www.gangqinpu.com/html/1208.htm
Victor's Piano Solo
完整版的是The Piano Duet
1. Main Title
2. According to Plan
3. Victor's Piano Solo
4. In the Forest
5. Remains of the Day
6. Casting a Spell
7. Moon Dance
8. Victor's Deception
9. Tears to Shed
10. Victoria's Escape
11. The Piano Duet
12. New Arrival
13. Victoria's Wedding
14. The Wedding Song
15. The Party Arrives
16. Victor's Wedding
17. Barkis's Bummer
18. The Finale
19. End Credits Part 1
20. End Credits Part 2
21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
info: band version
22. Remains of the Day
info: combo lounge version
23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2
24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
他们两个人合奏的是《The Piano Duet》~~这有下载地址~~~ http://radiofreeinternet.imjasonh.com/wp-content/corpse-pianoduet.mp3听着很有感觉~~下面这些是原声大碟~~可以参考听听~~也都不错噢~~~1. Main Title 2. According to Plan 3. Victor's Piano Solo 4. In the Forest 5. Remains of the Day 6. Casting a Spell 7. Moon Dance 8. Victor's Deception 9. Tears to Shed 10. Victoria's Escape 11. The Piano Duet 12. New Arrival 13. Victoria's Wedding 14. The Wedding Song 15. The Party Arrives 16. Victor's Wedding 17. Barkis's Bummer 18. The Finale 19. End Credits Part 1 20. End Credits Part 2 21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1 22. Remains of the Day 23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2 24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
1:僵尸新娘原声音乐 电驴下载 http://lib.verycd.com/2005/10/04/0000067755.html2: www.verycd.com上有《僵尸新娘》原声音乐 原声大碟 -《僵尸新娘》(Corpse Bride)专辑曲目:1. Main Title 2. According to Plan 3. Victor's Piano Solo 4. In the Forest 5. Remains of the Day 6. Casting a Spell 7. Moon Dance 8. Victor's Deception 9. Tears to Shed 10. Victoria's Escape 11. The Piano Duet 12. New Arrival 13. Victoria's Wedding 14. The Wedding Song 15. The Party Arrives 16. Victor's Wedding 17. Barkis's Bummer 18. The Finale 19. End Credits Part 1 20. End Credits Part 2 21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1 info: band version 22. Remains of the Day info: combo lounge version 23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2 24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1 info: combo version
他们两个人合奏的是《The Piano Duet》~~
1. Main Title
2. According to Plan
3. Victor's Piano Solo
4. In the Forest
5. Remains of the Day
6. Casting a Spell
7. Moon Dance
8. Victor's Deception
9. Tears to Shed
10. Victoria's Escape
11. The Piano Duet
12. New Arrival
13. Victoria's Wedding
14. The Wedding Song
15. The Party Arrives
16. Victor's Wedding
17. Barkis's Bummer
18. The Finale
19. End Credits Part 1
20. End Credits Part 2
21. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
22. Remains of the Day
23. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #2
24. Ball & Socket Lounge Music #1
对了~~第三首一定要听听~~先弹的那个~~VERY GOOD~~
The Piano Duet Victor’s Piano Solo
让Victor配合带有肖邦「幻想即兴曲」(Fantaisie-Impromptu, Op.66)
Corpse Bride官网http://corpsebridemovie.warnerbros.com/
The Piano Duet钢琴曲乐谱http://www.gangqinpu.com/html/1208.htm