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我原来也是像回答这么认为的,后来到了国外才知道这种用法语法上没错但是国外根本没人听得懂. 给楼主一个常用的句子:
I will hold on to the last.

it ' s difficult , but i ' m going to persevere with it

it ' s difficult , but i ' m going to persevere with it



我原来也是像回答这么认为的,后来到了国外才知道这种用法语法上没错但是国外根本没人听得懂. 给楼主一个常用的句子:
I will hold on to the last.

it ' s difficult , but i ' m going to persevere with it

it ' s difficult , but i ' m going to persevere with it


hold on straight to the end 1. 要清楚自己的激情所在并坚持到底。 Be clear about your passion and stick to it. www.kekenet.com 2. 我是说一旦开始的事就必须坚持到底! I must insist you finish what you have started! www.examw.com 3. 这实际上取决于您的应用程序的要求,但是一旦选择一种方法,就要坚持到底,因为中途改变方法将导致前后不一致。 It really depends on the requirements of your application, but once you select a method, stick to it,because you'll generate inconsistencies if you switch over mid-stream. www.ibm.com 4. 阅读这篇文章,在假日期间,他一定会给你动力,让你坚持到底的。 So read this post and hopefully it will inspire you to “stick to it” through the holiday season! www.elanso.com 5. 每天都汇报进展,或诸如此类,并要坚持到底! Commit to report back to them daily, or something like that, and stick to it! article.yeeyan.org 6. 第三句说当激烈的比赛快要结束时,每个人都已精疲力竭,而咬紧牙关坚持到底的人就一定是英雄。 这一句是对图画的呼应--图上的运动员发出会心的微笑,他一定是在赛场上拼尽全力坚持到最后的人,可能正是他最后五分钟的进球为整个球队赢得了胜利。 Toward the end of a fierce game, when everyone is nearly exhausted, who can clench ones teeth andhold on to the end is certainly a hero. www.hjenglish.com 7. 船长和乘务员一起将这艰难的航行坚持到底。 The captain together with the steward stuck out the stiff sailing. www.ebigear.com 8. 当你有胜算的把握,那么你就坚持到底。 无论是在爱情中或在股票市场,胜利者终会被奖赏。 When you have a winner, stick with your winner. Whether in love or in the stock market, winners are tobe prized. www.ebigear.com 9. 这些公司代表了美国精神的精髓--那就是希望,在这个国家里的任何一个人,只要你有好的想法,你有决心坚持到底,你就能成功。 These companies represent the essence of the American spirit – the promise that anyone cansucceed in this country if you have a good idea and the determination to see it through. article.yeeyan.org 10. 所以你评估A计划后仍发现它是个很不错的计划的话就坚持到底好了! So if you evaluated your Plan A above and it’s still a great plan, stick it out! article.yeeyan.org


hold on straight to the end 1. 要清楚自己的激情所在并坚持到底。 Be clear about your passion and stick to it. www.kekenet.com 2. 我是说一旦开始的事就必须坚持到底! I must insist you finish what you have started! www.examw.com 3. 这实际上取决于您的应用程序的要求,但是一旦选择一种方法,就要坚持到底,因为中途改变方法将导致前后不一致。 It really depends on the requirements of your application, but once you select a method, stick to it,because you'll generate inconsistencies if you switch over mid-stream. www.ibm.com 4. 阅读这篇文章,在假日期间,他一定会给你动力,让你坚持到底的。 So read this post and hopefully it will inspire you to “stick to it” through the holiday season! www.elanso.com 5. 每天都汇报进展,或诸如此类,并要坚持到底! Commit to report back to them daily, or something like that, and stick to it! article.yeeyan.org 6. 第三句说当激烈的比赛快要结束时,每个人都已精疲力竭,而咬紧牙关坚持到底的人就一定是英雄。 这一句是对图画的呼应--图上的运动员发出会心的微笑,他一定是在赛场上拼尽全力坚持到最后的人,可能正是他最后五分钟的进球为整个球队赢得了胜利。 Toward the end of a fierce game, when everyone is nearly exhausted, who can clench ones teeth andhold on to the end is certainly a hero. www.hjenglish.com 7. 船长和乘务员一起将这艰难的航行坚持到底。 The captain together with the steward stuck out the stiff sailing. www.ebigear.com 8. 当你有胜算的把握,那么你就坚持到底。 无论是在爱情中或在股票市场,胜利者终会被奖赏。 When you have a winner, stick with your winner. Whether in love or in the stock market, winners are tobe prized. www.ebigear.com 9. 这些公司代表了美国精神的精髓--那就是希望,在这个国家里的任何一个人,只要你有好的想法,你有决心坚持到底,你就能成功。 These companies represent the essence of the American spirit – the promise that anyone cansucceed in this country if you have a good idea and the determination to see it through. article.yeeyan.org 10. 所以你评估A计划后仍发现它是个很不错的计划的话就坚持到底好了! So if you evaluated your Plan A above and it’s still a great plan, stick it out! article.yeeyan.org